Position: Principal Instigator...er, Investigator Likes: Reading, coffee, summer and data What I'm thinking: follow me @Sudha.Biddinger
Ivana Semova
Position: Postdoctoral Fellow Likes: The Intestine and Macedonia. Why she is so awesome: She jumps right in and gets things done! Moreover: We love her enthusiasm and sunny disposition!
Joanna Krawczyk
Position: Graduate Student. Likes: the great outdoors, baking and GLP-1. Just one reason why she is awesome: Established the smFISH protocol during her rotation! Don't blame me, Joanna approved it: Back up dancers in scientific presentations. Secret Weapon: The book of knowledge.
Stuart Adamson
Position: Graduate Student. Likes: the great outdoors, matcha, and games. Caution: Do not challenge his Tolkien knowledge. So awesome: great ideas, great hands, does it all--including jerry-rigging an electrophoresis apparatus to run blue native gels
Courtney Panciotti
Position: Research Assistant Nickname: The Flaming Hot Cheeto, with an emphasis on Flaming Hot Likes: Make up, good restaurants, and keeping a super organized mouse colony. Full Disclaimer: Despite her ability to turn herself into a zombie, she's remarkably sweet.
Former Students and Post-doctoral Fellows
Sifan Chen
Prior Position: Postdoctoral Fellow Current Position: Group Leader, Sun Yatsen University, Guangzhou, China Likes: Soccer, being married, and mechanistic studies How he prepared for joining the lab: Developed keen scientific insight, honed his technical skills, and practiced being funny. Why we love him: Great ideas, focus and fun to be around. Also notable: I've seen some pretty great wedding pictures in my time, but his are amazing.
Ji Miao
Prior Position: Postoral Fellow Alias: Ji-Force Current Position, now that she has her own lab: Next door Neighbor of Awesomeness Likes: Salsa dancing and cookies Still great friends: And still the only one who really knows where all the plasmids are. Still a star: She will fearlessly tackle any experiment, do any project, and play any sport
Mary Haas
Position: Our Brave First Graduate Student When she was here: Sept 2011- April 2016 What she did: identified a novel renal/hepatic axis that regulates PCSK9 and plasma cholesterol Where she is now: doing a postdoctoral fellowship at the Broad with Sek Kathiresan. What she is going to do: rock the world by combining bioinformatics with her undying love of metabolism.
Mary Gearing
Position: Graduate Student When she was here: July 2013- August 2016 What she did: identified FoxO1 as a key target of FMO3/TMAO action Where is she now: Addgene...doing what she loves...writing